Thursday, August 5, 2010

What to Expect on this blog...

Not only will I be adding recipes, and better quality photos (please forgive these from my cell phone) I would like your input on how the recipe worked for you, or alterations you made that taste delicious! 
I will show my easy ways to make things like Mexican rice, refried beans (my way) and guacamole on corn tortillas 

and Homemade- pepper free- Salsa Verde

Not every recipe will have a Mexican Inspiration:

Grilled Potato's covered in Aioli Sauce (or as I say A-oly)

With Grilled Parmesan Asparagus

And Peaches and Cream Cake

Easy meals, with name brands!

Gluten Free Cupcakes 
We will explore areas like: Battered Fish, Homemade 'taters and corn on the cob
Learn from my mistakes and victories... on how I prepared things like...
Ginger Broccoli Chicken


This is officially my first blog- kind of scary, I am not a writer, I don't spell check, or reread things-once again scary! 

I do follow my heart and my heart says blog.
Why am I blogging if I am scared, you ask?
         (We are preteneding you asked)... I am starting this for fellow Celiac-ers or Gluten Free-ers like myself. People who are lost in a new world of food. It is scary to address personal issues, especially issues that cause a great deal of personal pain (i.e. embarrassment, frustration/anger, and self pity-the last one is the worst!).

However, I know I am not alone... there are tons of other people in this world that are struggling with these same issues and I want to share how I am feeling, what I am eating, and get feed back from you on your journey, so that together, we can share in each others victories over food.

What do you mean "New World of Food"?
     (The trend of me speaking for you is clearly going to continue for a while so please, allow me this small joy)... After having been diagnosed with Celiac in November-ish of 2009 (I can't remember when it was exactly, the process was a nightmare...I am pretty sure that I bumped into Freddy Kruger along the way), I realized there is a whole new world of food opened up to me... as well as shut out.

I can no longer swing into a Taco Casa when I am hungry and order carefree on a whim... to be honest I can no longer eat anything on a whim, at least not outside of my house. Not without the fear of cross contamination, or full frontal contamination for that matter...Getting sick for two weeks sucks, and knowing I am depleting my body of nutrients that could one day lead to cancer(s) sucks even more!

Thus, meals now take lots of planning, and prep work. I have to fully research the facilities my food was processed on, or actually be concerned about how my food was handled (this is a very big deal for me, I used to be happy with eating tamales and meat pies out of gas stations and stopping at taco places built into a trailer on the side of the road...Celiac forums even suggest "to be safe", call up manufactures and make sure they are keeping up with their claims of "gluten free". 
Only one big problem, I am way to passive to call (mainly because I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable for having to accommodate to me... I know it's stupid, but it is what it is) so in my worry-when I have called, I get confused on how to address wheat and gluten... I have done it once or twice, and hated it... so now if I don't know... I don't eat it....

The whole mess of food is like multiple blisters, that my shoes keeps rubbing... and I am at a really nice event so I can't take off the shoes... so I have to just suck it up and walk around with multi-blister pain. But it doesn't have to be that way... the perk is, I have a spare dress shoes in the car that don't rub! They're called creativity and perseverance... 

(Let's go on another visual journey) Which means- I can now explore a new world of grains and recipes that I would have never known about. I feel like Percy H. Fawcett, and food is my own South American Amazon. I have new flours to investigate... like rice flour, which I love... and grains like quinoa- which are super good for my body... and the best part... when I cook at home, I know what goes into my food. I am able to regulate the amount of oils and fats used, so I don't end up with cholesterol and blood pressure problems. What a blessing!

Why Do I feel I should have been a "Tex-Mexican"?

  1. I am born and raised Texan.
  2. I love Mexican food... tex-mexican to be exact... if you have had it... you understand what I mean... if you haven't... try it and you will know...
  3. I am in love with Mexican Folk Art. There is a soul in their work that captivates my creativity and heart. It inspires me, and I constantly want to surround myself with all things it the colors, the plants, the foods, the dances, the music, the revolutionary spirit, and even the afternoon naps!  
To sum it up... I live for Mexican food, and long to have a culture identity so rich in flavor. 

Only I have found one major set back after being diagnosed with Celiac... even worse than no longer being able to eat bread... I am allergic to peppers... I am talking anaphylactic, drive me to the emergency room, allergic. Best case scenario I swell up and get a migraine for two days. Worst case... well... I swell up and don't have anymore days. Luckily the latter has not happened... I ate them fine before, or so I thought... but then I have always had migraines, but there was never the swelling. There has been enough swelling that now my Husband (who is also my very kind and supportive food police) will tell me to "Step away from the jalapeƱos". 

"Soooo", you ask me (this is where we pretend you are (A) still reading and (B) asking questions) "How can you Eat Mexican Food without Peppers?!" Well, it isn't easy... and doesn't happen outside of my home very often. Which means, I am now learning to cook my favorite food gluten and pepper free! 

What I will be doing on this blog:
(Pressure is off, I phrased it as my own statement... not your question) I will be putting up new recipes we (My husband and I) have tried out, along with pictures... So, if they look good, you can try them too. Odds are good that if I make it... it will be easy and cheap. I don't like to spend a lot of money on my groceries and I really don't like cooking things I cannot pronounce. If unpronounceables happen to slip in, I promise to rename them. 

My hope is to inspire your kitchen, and learn about your journey. Gluten free is a road that doesn't have to be scary. We can make the most of our adventure!